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Thursday, October 25, 2012

How to reduce your Stress

Stress is defined as an organism's total response to environmental demands or pressures.
Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences. When people feel stressed by something going on around them, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by physical danger. But this can also be a bad thing, if their stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength.

When I think about stress, I think about internal stress or external stress.
Let's look at external stress first.
External stress can be caused by your environment, workplace, other people, circumstances, loss of a loved one etc.
Stress happens. Stress is a part of life. We have good stress and bad stress.
Good stress helps you in dangerous situations.
Bad stress is just bad stress, it's not good.
We all experience some sort of external stress on a daily basis.
How we respond to and handle external stress is key to preventing internal stress.
So, how do we handle external stress?
Here is what I do.
1. I manage and control my external stress by sorting stressful situations. 
2. I have two categories, IN MY CONTROL and OUT OF MY CONTROL.
3. All things listed in the OUT OF MY CONTROL list is discarded from my future thinking. I don't pay any attention to things or situations that are not in my control.
4. All things listed in the IN MY CONTROL list are prioritized and handled in highest to lowest priority ASAP. I do not procrastinate. I just get it done NOW!

When you have practiced my four step system to handling External Stress you too will realize that you have far less stressful days.

Internal Stress
How do you handle Internal Stress?
Here is what I do.
1. Do exactly what I do with External stress.
It's that easy.

Most Internal stress is created by YOU thinking and worrying about things that are out of your control. If it is not in your control do not think about it. Learn to STOP thinking about things that are out of your control. Focus on what you can control and get those things done ASAP.
People with a high level of FAITH handle stress much better than people that live life with little or no FAITH. You sleep better at night when you have less stressful thoughts. If you have TRUE FAITH, you won't have any reason to worry and you will have little or no stress at all in your life.

Remember that stress affects your body and mind. Learn to manage your stress and you will learn how to control stress. Practice daily and you will live a STRESS FREE LIFE.

If you need help, you can always contact me via e-mail at We offer lessons and classes online that will develop your ability to handle stress. Personal Coaching is what we do best. Remember, price is what you pay and Value is what you get. Learning to handle stress will improve your health and lifestyle and also increase your lifespan. Your life won't change unless you are willing to change your thinking.

Think and Implement Daily
Barry Dillah

Monday, October 22, 2012

Find your Balance in Life

1. Spiritual
2. Physical
3. Family and Social
4. Work

Spiritual Balance
Finding your Spiritual Balance is key to finding YOUR CENTER in Life.
You must know what centers you and keeps you stable on a daily basis.
Your center is what keeps you emotionally stable and ready to handle any circumstance.
Your center is what anchors your Faith and Belief system.
People without Spiritual Balance become very emotionally unstable during certain times in their life.
During times of loss and change in our lives, emotionally unstable individuals can easily experience fear, worry, doubt, anxiety, and uncertainty.
Finding your Spiritual Balance will keep you stable in life.

Physical Balance
If you don't take care of your body where are you going to live?
Pay attention to your physical health.
Many people have trouble balancing their lives because they have so many issues with their physical health. You are what you eat. It is also important to control how much you eat.
Here are 5 quick tips:
1. Eat healthy foods.
2. Get help and KNOW how much you should be eating. Everyone is different.
3. You have to BURN what you eat. Exercise is not optional. Walk for 30mins daily.
4. Admit that you cannot do it on your own. Most people need help with control until it becomes habit.
5. Remember staying physically healthy is a Lifestyle, not a diet.

Food and exercise are only part of being physically healthy.
99% of the population fail to realize that YOUR THINKING needs the MOST WORK.
If you cannot control your thoughts you will never control what you DO.
You must control your thoughts and emotions.
Diets fail because of YOUR THINKING.
You quit exercising because of YOUR THINKING.

You will never be Healthy if your Thinking is not Healthy - Barry Dillah
Reading will Improve your Thinking. Read Daily!
The books you don't read cannot help you.

Family and Social Balance
We are social beings. We function better when we FEEL connected to others.
However, we must connect with the right people.
We connect for friendship, love, business, fun etc.
The same way we cannot let every thought enter our lives we cannot allow everyone into our lives.
You can give everyone some space in your life for a short time but you must also weed out people from your life.
Weed out negative people.
Weed out people that constantly hurt you.
Weed out unproductive people.
Weed out people that ADDs no value to you.

KEEP people that ADD VALUE to you!

Your time is precious. Make sure you are investing your time with the right people instead of spending your time with the wrong people.

Here is the good news. We have many ways to connect with other people today. Social media can enhance your life but it can also DE-value your life depending on how and with who, we connect with.

So, pay attention to your friends, family and loved ones. Who is in your inner circle?

Work Balance
We must work to receive what we want in life. Working is part of sowing. In order to receive we must sow.
However, we must balance our work life with all the other important things we need to balance in life.
When you are at work make sure you are 100% at work. When you are with family, make sure you are 100% with family. This is what most people think balance is all about. You see, most people only think about balancing their life this week or this month or TODAY.
You cannot think about balancing work today, this week, or even this month. You must think about balancing your work Life for the ENTIRE TIME you will be ALIVE.
Work must be balanced with retirement in mind. You should be aware that there will come a time when you will not be able to work. We must do all our work NOW, when we are able to work. The more you work now, the easier your life will be when you retire. This is a concept that very few people grasp and why so many have to work when they should be retired. You cannot reap what you did not sow. You cannot postpone sowing and expect to reap early!

In all areas of balance you must think about it as a LIFESTYLE for living YOUR LIFE.
Find your Spiritual Balance for a Lifetime.
Find your Physical Balance for a Lifetime.
Find your Family and Social Balance for a Lifetime.
Find your Work Balance for a Lifetime.

Think long term so you live a long balanced life.
Don't just think of your God on Sundays or somedays!
Don't diet for 3 weeks!
Don't connect with people you love whenever!
Don't work when you feel like it!


Think and Implement Daily.
Barry Dillah

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tips that Make Your Life Easier

Here are some Tips that could make your life easier. Click on Pictures to get a better view.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Time and Growth

Learn to give all things TIME to develop a root system and grow. Too many times we start something new and expect to see instant results. We assume that it is not working and change to yet again a new system. We get frustrated because you did not see growth or results. Consider the TIME needed to grow and produce results before you condemn any system. Think of the BAMBOO plant that has no visible growth for years because it is growing, unseen below ground,  developing it's root system, then it grows at the amazing rate of 2 inches an hour above ground. Plants have been recorded at growing over 3 feet in 24 hours. So, give your plans, your dreams, your new systems Time to grow. Remember, things are growing even when YOU can't visible see the growth.

God works at a very slow pace to create perfection - Barry Dillah

Think and Implement Daily
Barry Dillah

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Happiness is a state of being - Barry Dillah
What is happiness?
Happiness is the absence of suffering. 

Happiness is not something you seek.
Seeking happiness is a sure sign that you don't already have happiness.

Do you find yourself wanting to be happy?
Do you find yourself needing things to make you happy?
Do you have to think of someone before you are happy?
Do you expect happiness in your life because an event is on it's way?
Would you like to be happy now?

I have heard many people say that they will be happy and so happens.
I have heard many people say that they will be happy IF....such and such happens.

The United States Constitution says that you have the RIGHT to PURSUE Happiness.

The same way you cannot seek happiness, you cannot pursue happiness. Happiness is not something you look for. If you look for happiness you will never find it.

You are not happy because of the attachments in your life - Barry Dillah
When we learn to rid ourselves of attachments we will have nothing that causes us to suffer.
Attachments cause suffering.
Happiness is the absence of suffering.

Having more does not make us happier.
The wise know that happiness is not dependent on things, other people, or circumstances.
Happiness is what is left only after you get rid of all things, people, and circumstances that cause you pain and suffering.

This is why so many people cannot be happy.
This is why so many people are only happy for very short periods of time.
This is why we live in a world that experience more pain and suffering than happiness.

So, free yourself of want.
Free yourself of need.
Free yourself of desire.
Free yourself of expectations.
Free yourself of negative thoughts.
There are so many things you need to free yourself from before you are truly happy.

Remember that attachments keep you from happiness.
We are ALIVE and Living LIFE!
Life is filled with pain, suffering, want, need, love, sickness, etc.

Happiness is what is left when we learn how to control our minds and learn to Live and deal with LIFE's attachments in a certain way - Barry Dillah

Happiness is attained by emptying your mind of everything that makes you unhappy.
Doing this takes years of practice and sometimes a lifetime.
Being in a state of happiness is attained only in time and with daily meditation.
You must be happy within your own being.
Happiness comes from within.
When your mind is still, when your mind is empty, when you clear your thinking of all attachments, you will be able to experience a state of happiness.

I truly hope YOU develop the habit of living a HAPPY LIFE.

Think and Implement Daily
Barry Dillah 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How to Fix ANY problem

Click here to View the Video Lesson.

You need to get the right help.
Hire the right people.
Get the right tools.

Get the right tools and your work gets easier.

Click here to View the Video Lesson.

Watch the Video and remember to Think and Implement Daily.
Barry Dillah

Friday, October 5, 2012

Why some people Succeed while others fail.

Have you ever wondered WHY some people achieve success while others fail?
Click here to view this video lesson.

I've been hiring people for over 25 years.
I have given thousands of people in that time many different opportunities.
Needless to say that some were very successful and others not so successful.

So, what have I learnt in the last 25 years?

Well, Jim Rohn said it best when he stated that "People don't get Rich doing certain things; People get Rich doing things a certain way".

Think about that statement and ask yourself these questions:
1. Am I just doing THINGS?
2. Am I doing THINGS in EXACTLY the same way SUCCESSFUL people do it?

It's not what you do it's how you do it - Barry Dillah
If you want success you must give up your way of doing things and make it a habit to do things the way successful people do it. This requires you to have an open mind. You must let go of your EGO.

This also means that you get help from the successful people. People that never achieved the success you dream off having can never help you.
Whatever business you choose to excel in you must seek out the people who KNOW what needs to be done and HOW it must be done so that you can learn and achieve success yourself.

Follow this system and YOU will ALWAYS succeed.

Here is what I have also learned.
The people who fail almost ALWAYS think that they know everything.
These are the people that are not open to advice.
These are the people who are sometimes open to advice BUT never Implement the advice.
You can FAIL many different ways.
However, YOU WILL achieve success EVERY TIME if you open your mind and implement the advice given by successful people EXACTLY the way they DO IT.

So, PAY ATTENTION to what Successful people say and more importantly PAY ATTENTION to HOW they DO IT!!!!

Click here to view this video lesson.

Think and Implement Daily
Barry Dillah

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Entrepreneur Mindset Tips

Listen to Barry Dillah on WCEV 1450 AM Radio

Photo: Doing Radio Show


Here are some TIPS on developing your Entrepreneur Mindset.
  • Learn to PAY Attention.
  • You don't get paid for the hour; You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.
  • Invest your Time and Money; don't spent it.
  • Do Activities that make YOU happy.
  • You Reap what you Sow.
  • Be open minded.
  • None of us are as smart as all of us.
  • An Effective Entrepreneur converts a source into a Resource.
  • A source could be an idea, an opportunity, an asset, or a purpose.
  • Look for problems first then find Solutions.
  • If you don't have a purpose one will be given to you.
  • Don't worry too much about Homework.
  • Don't get caught up doing things that pay you minimum wage.
  • Money is important. Time is more Important. Paying Attention is MOST Important.
  • All thoughts claim to be Important.
  • Learn to Task manage your Activities daily.
  • Invest in yourself.
  • Get yourself a Mentor.
  • Find a Problem Solver.
  • Learn to Seize Opportunity not just see opportunity.
  • Persist Until.
  • Know when to move on.
  • You receive what you work for.
  • Remember who got rich in the Gold Rush.
  • Learn to plan everything.
  • Use your emotions to fuel your desires.
  • Know your rights.
  • Happiness is a decision you make every day.
  • You must start NOW.
  • Read more books.
  • Have FAITH
  • Purpose is more important than need.
Listen to Barry Dillah on WCEV 1450 AM Radio > Watch the Video.

Photo: Speaking at Entrepreneur Mindset Seminar

Think and Implement Daily.
Barry Dillah