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Monday, October 22, 2012

Find your Balance in Life

1. Spiritual
2. Physical
3. Family and Social
4. Work

Spiritual Balance
Finding your Spiritual Balance is key to finding YOUR CENTER in Life.
You must know what centers you and keeps you stable on a daily basis.
Your center is what keeps you emotionally stable and ready to handle any circumstance.
Your center is what anchors your Faith and Belief system.
People without Spiritual Balance become very emotionally unstable during certain times in their life.
During times of loss and change in our lives, emotionally unstable individuals can easily experience fear, worry, doubt, anxiety, and uncertainty.
Finding your Spiritual Balance will keep you stable in life.

Physical Balance
If you don't take care of your body where are you going to live?
Pay attention to your physical health.
Many people have trouble balancing their lives because they have so many issues with their physical health. You are what you eat. It is also important to control how much you eat.
Here are 5 quick tips:
1. Eat healthy foods.
2. Get help and KNOW how much you should be eating. Everyone is different.
3. You have to BURN what you eat. Exercise is not optional. Walk for 30mins daily.
4. Admit that you cannot do it on your own. Most people need help with control until it becomes habit.
5. Remember staying physically healthy is a Lifestyle, not a diet.

Food and exercise are only part of being physically healthy.
99% of the population fail to realize that YOUR THINKING needs the MOST WORK.
If you cannot control your thoughts you will never control what you DO.
You must control your thoughts and emotions.
Diets fail because of YOUR THINKING.
You quit exercising because of YOUR THINKING.

You will never be Healthy if your Thinking is not Healthy - Barry Dillah
Reading will Improve your Thinking. Read Daily!
The books you don't read cannot help you.

Family and Social Balance
We are social beings. We function better when we FEEL connected to others.
However, we must connect with the right people.
We connect for friendship, love, business, fun etc.
The same way we cannot let every thought enter our lives we cannot allow everyone into our lives.
You can give everyone some space in your life for a short time but you must also weed out people from your life.
Weed out negative people.
Weed out people that constantly hurt you.
Weed out unproductive people.
Weed out people that ADDs no value to you.

KEEP people that ADD VALUE to you!

Your time is precious. Make sure you are investing your time with the right people instead of spending your time with the wrong people.

Here is the good news. We have many ways to connect with other people today. Social media can enhance your life but it can also DE-value your life depending on how and with who, we connect with.

So, pay attention to your friends, family and loved ones. Who is in your inner circle?

Work Balance
We must work to receive what we want in life. Working is part of sowing. In order to receive we must sow.
However, we must balance our work life with all the other important things we need to balance in life.
When you are at work make sure you are 100% at work. When you are with family, make sure you are 100% with family. This is what most people think balance is all about. You see, most people only think about balancing their life this week or this month or TODAY.
You cannot think about balancing work today, this week, or even this month. You must think about balancing your work Life for the ENTIRE TIME you will be ALIVE.
Work must be balanced with retirement in mind. You should be aware that there will come a time when you will not be able to work. We must do all our work NOW, when we are able to work. The more you work now, the easier your life will be when you retire. This is a concept that very few people grasp and why so many have to work when they should be retired. You cannot reap what you did not sow. You cannot postpone sowing and expect to reap early!

In all areas of balance you must think about it as a LIFESTYLE for living YOUR LIFE.
Find your Spiritual Balance for a Lifetime.
Find your Physical Balance for a Lifetime.
Find your Family and Social Balance for a Lifetime.
Find your Work Balance for a Lifetime.

Think long term so you live a long balanced life.
Don't just think of your God on Sundays or somedays!
Don't diet for 3 weeks!
Don't connect with people you love whenever!
Don't work when you feel like it!


Think and Implement Daily.
Barry Dillah

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