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Monday, March 11, 2013

Get back to the Basics and stop being STUPID.

Why did you wake up today?
Do you know why?
What is the plan?
Do you have a plan?

What must be done today?
You must breathe.
You must eat.
Did you forget to breathe?
Stop and think for a second.
Did you really focus on breathing?
Did you take long deep breaths?
Did you inhale ALL that you can?
Did you inhale ALL that life has to offer?

Think about this for a while.
Most people don't pay attention to the things that enhance their lives.
Why don't you perfect your breathing?
When you learn to take in ALL the air you possibly can, YOU will function much better.

Learn to breathe right!
Learn to eat right!

Practice this new habit for sixty days and you will feel your life improve.

Here is what you will notice at the end of sixty days:
You will feel healthier.
You will feel more alive.
You will feel more alert.
You will have more energy.
You will have better focus.
You can DO more.
You will become more productive.
You will Enjoy all that you do.

Get back to the basics!
1. Learn to take time and BREATHE.
2. Learn to eat healthy foods.

You would never put dirt or cheap gas into an expensive car and expect it to function at full capacity, right?
So, don't put garbage into your body and expect to be a TOP producer!
Don't fill your lungs with small puffs of air and expect your body to function at 100%.
Don't eat unhealthy foods and expect your body to function effeciently.
You would say that it is STUPID to fill your gas tank with dirt and expect the car to drive, right?
Well, would you be STUPID to breathe in only 30% of the air that your body needs to function?
How STUPID would you be to fill your body with junk food and expect your body to function at 100% capacity?

Let's not be stupid. Let's get back to the basics!

Breathe right!
Eat right!
Live Right!

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Barry Dillah

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