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Monday, March 4, 2013

Pain, Persistence and Progress

The best motivators are Pain and Progress.

Most people know what they should be doing but fail to ACT on what they know.
Why do you fail to take action or change what you DO to improve your life?

People don't change their life with what they know.
People change their life with how they feel.
You need to get out of your comfort zone!
People are motivated to act when they FEEL the PAIN of their current circumstance and they stay motivated when they think PROGRESS is being made.
What motivates you?
Many Leaders use FEAR and MONEY to motivate people.
The problem with using fear to motivate is that fear is only a short term motivator and fear causes more people to take LESS ACTION. In other words, fear paralyses most people and is a terrible motivator when you want increased production and activity in any business.
The problem with using Money as a motivator is that anything remotely creative or loosely defined task simply won’t be done better or faster if wads of cash are your driving force.
Pain and Progress are the Best Motivators
When you are in a situation that genuinely hurts you find a solution. It’s not a matter of making excuses, you just do it. And likewise, when you’re making progress the same thing happens, although from a much more positive standpoint. You feel great and the momentum-based achievement keeps you doing the things you should be doing.
Here are two examples to think about:
Think about a Diet. You start a diet because you FEEL the PAIN of being overweight. You stay on your diet IF your think you are making PROGRESS and you see the numbers on the scale go down.
You NEED to get out of your comfort zone to start that diet. Your comfort zone is what got you FAT! Pain makes you start and Progress keeps you going. Most overweight people don't start a diet until their health is at risk! They need to FEEL the PAIN before they make any change to their diet.
Keep in mind that most people STOP the diet because they don't think they are making any progress with their weight loss. Remember, we must PERSIST UNTIL we see progress! Progress takes TIME.
Once we see progress, we remain motivated to continue DOING and stay on track, to achieving our goal.
Think about your work. You start doing more IF you FEEL the PAIN of not being able to pay your bills and live the lifestyle you want. You STAY motivated to work more IF you THINK you are making PROGRESS and earning more money to pay your bills and live the lifestyle you want to live.
You NEED to get out of your comfort zone to start working more. Your comfort zone is what keeps you BROKE and Living a lifestyle that is less than you want to live. Remember, we must PERSIST UNTIL we see progress! Progress takes TIME.
Once we see progress, we remain motivated and continue DOING and stay on track, to achieving our goal.
Pain gets you started. Persistence gets you Progress. Progress keeps you going - Barry Dillah


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Barry Dillah

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