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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How to Heal Yourself

How would you like to heal yourself?

Doctors are very good at treating your symptoms and they are even better at prescribing medicine to help you cope with your current health issues.
However, treating the symptoms and not fixing the cause of the problem is only making the situation worst.
Everything in life is based on cause and effect.
Your symptoms are the effect. Do you know the cause? Do you know what caused you to have the symptoms you now experience?
Doctors seem to focus on the effect and seem to forget to fix the cause. Maybe it's because some doctors need you to continue living your life the way you have been living so that you continue to have symptoms that make you feel ill. Doctors need your business. The drug company needs your money. You seem to be willing to make them Happy.
Some doctors want to help you but they know that they cannot be with you all day long. Healing is something only you can do for yourself.

Every symptom you feel and have was caused by something. I hope you can agree with this fact.
So, what is the cause of your problem?
What is the cause of your health issues?
What is the cause of your feeling sick?
When you find the cause you can now PERMANENTLY fix your symptoms and problems.

Do you know what is even more AMAZING?
Most people and doctors KNOW what CAUSE's your problems. In many cases YOU know the cause of your problems. However, that's not the AMAZING fact. The AMAZING fact is that YOU REFUSE to FIX the CAUSE of your problems. That's right, YOU know how to BUT you refuse to adjust your habits and put a STOP to your illness.

In most cases your THINKING is what caused you to have the problems you now have.
Your habits caused the problem and if you refuse to change your thinking, you will continue to cause the sickness.

Consider these examples:
*The CAUSE* Lack of Exercise and Poor Eating Habits = Diabetes
The CURE = Exercise and Eat Healthy.
Diabetes is the EFFECT, Diabetes is not the CAUSE of you being SICK.
The CAUSE is Lack of exercise and poor eating habits.

*The CAUSE* Poor Eating Habits = Being Overweight.
The CURE = Eat Healthy and Exercise.
Being Overweight is the EFFECT, Poor Diet and Exercise is the CAUSE.

These are Easy Solutions to MAJOR HEALTH issues in today's society.
Cause and Effect.
Pills will not fix your problem. Your DESIRE and DECISION to Change your THINKING will HEAL YOU.
When you adjust your thinking you will adjust your habits and you will fix the cause.
When you fix the cause you will no longer have problems.

Cause and Effect works with everything in your LIFE!
Your Body, Thinking and Spirit are all affected by the LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT!

Your THINKING is ALWAYS THE CAUSE!!! Get your thinking right and EVERYTHING will be right in your life.

You do not have to live with your symptoms. You have FREE WILL to change the way you live.

God programmed everything you need to heal yourself within you. It is not in a PILL. The cure is within YOU.
If you do not believe you will not be cured.
A little FAITH can MOVE MOUNTAINS and change your life.
Jesus said you only need FAITH the size of a Mustard Seed.
Do you have FAITH? Do you KNOW that YOU can HEAL YOURSELF?

I give you the wisdom to heal yourself. Those of you who have FAITH will be healed.

GOD gave you free will.
You have a choice.
You can choose the PILL or you can choose FAITH.

Remember, FAITH without DEEDS are dead!

Find the Cause and work on fixing the Cause.

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Barry Dillah

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