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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Know that you are a powerful being.

Have you ever had a reason to remember an event from your past?
Do you remember events from your childhood?
Do you remember moments in time shared with your loved ones and friends?
I am sure that everyone would answer YES to those questions.

I was thinking about this years ago and I realized that if I can remember and in most cases CLEARLY SEE in my minds eye, events from my past, then it makes sense that these events were recorded by ME!
Would you agree with that statement? I hope so.

What I noticed as I thought of my past memories is that I saw every moment as a PHOTO and sometimes as a VIDEO recorded playback, the same way I would look at a DVD or recorded TV show. If you closed your eyes and remembered time spent with anyone in your past, on a special occasion, how do you see it? Can you relate to what I have stated?

Now, here is the amazing thing that I observed while I was looking at my past memories.
In EVERY MEMORY PHOTO/VIDEO, I seem to be viewing the photo as if I am taking the photo from a different point of view. In every photo in my memory, I was FULLY in the photo with my friends, family and loved ones. It was as if, I was taking a photo of everything around my body and the entire room. It was as if I took the photo from a prospective of being ABOVE everything while recording the moment. It was as if someone else took the photo of me and my friends from a different point of view, because I was IN my own photo. This memory WAS NOT taken from MY physical body or my physical eye's point of view at the time. I was not looking into the camera len's snapping the photo.
I was looking at my physical self while I (My Spiritual self) took the photo.

Think for a moment and SEE if YOU can relate to what I just stated.

You see, WE are not our BODY.
WE are not out PHYSICAL SELF.


We capture memories from a Spiritual viewpoint; We are Spiritual beings in a Physical body.- Barry Dillah
The Body is limited.
You and I on the other hand are limitless.
Who you are is separate from your physical self.
We use our body and it is controlled by the powerful being that we truly are.

Now that you know this, what will limit you?
Now that you know this, how much more aware will you be?

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Think and Implement Daily.
Barry Dillah

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