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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

5 steps to being Wealthy Now

Here is a quick lesson on being RICHER today.

The richest person is not the person who has the most but who needs the least.

Here is my quick list to being wealthy NOW.

1. Want less.
Most people live the habit of always wanting more. They live in a constant state of WANT.
Can you relate to this feeling of always wanting?
Take a true inventory of everything in your life and you will see all the STUFF you wanted but never really used. Most homes are filled with useless STUFF. How much richer would you be today if you didn't WANT so much useless STUFF? Learn from this lesson and decide to WANT less as you move forward in life. Wanting is a sign that you feel LACK in your life. Wanting without truly needing is what will keep you POOR.
Wake up knowing that you already have everything.
Free yourself of WANT and YOU will be RICHER TODAY!

2. Be grateful.
Live a life of gratitude and you will always feel and be rich.
Think of all you have right now. Wake up daily and be grateful for everything you have in your life.
People that appreciate what they have are always happier and less likely to feel LACK in their life.
When you are grateful you are blessed with a smile on your face. It is impossible to be grateful and depressed at the same time. People become depressed because they never learned to be grateful.
I have always said that the cure for depression is learning to be grateful for all you have in life.
You have the ability to see.
You have the ability to hear.
You have the ability to walk.
You have the ability to hold and hug.
You have the ability to think.
You have the ability to choose.
You were BORN with so much to be grateful for.
Be grateful and USE what you already possess and you will receive more.
Be grateful and you will be RICHER TODAY!

3. Help someone else daily.
Helping others daily is one of the most powerful things we can ever do.
Think about it this way.
You must already be rich today to help someone else today.
You don't need money to help others.
You can help with your TIME.
You can help with your KNOWLEDGE.
You can help with your EXPERIENCE.
You can help with your ADVICE.
You can help with your KINDNESS.
You can help with your CARING.
You can help with your ATTENTION.
You can help with your GIVING.
You can help with your LOVE.
Here is the lesson with helping others; know that you always have something to give and you already possess something that will help.
When you HELP others YOU will be blessed and you will be RICHER TODAY!

4. Know who you are.
Who are you?
How much are you worth?
I ask myself these question daily.
My answer is always; I am envied by Angels and I am Priceless.
When you know who you are and what you are truly worth you can never be poor.
Know who you are and be RICHER TODAY!

5. Understand the Value of Time.
Being Rich is having Money.
Being Wealthy is having TIME.
Having Time is always more important than having money.
When you understand this fact you will learn to make better use of your TIME.
You can always make more money but you can never make more time.
Use your time wisely and you will be RICHER today.

For more detailed lessons on being Wealthy feel free to call me for lessons @ 410-818-9355.
My lessons cost a fee but the Value you receive is priceless.

Think and Implement Daily
Barry Dillah

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