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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Truth about our Prayers

The Truth is singular.
Any other version of the Truth cannot be the Truth.
The truth will set you free.
The truth will empower you.
Twisting the truth will not change the TRUTH.
The truth has no other versions.
A lie does not change the TRUTH - Barry Dillah

The truth about Prayers is that WE ALL PRAY.
You don't have to be a believer to pray.
In fact, even Atheist use prayer but don't KNOW that they do.
Not believing does not change the TRUTH.

This Truth came to me in 1979 while in deep meditation. I was 14 years old at the time when I realized these Truths:
1. We all Pray.
2. We must stay connected to the source so that we receive what we pray for.
3. Everything we need is INSIDE us.

Again, let me remind you that the TRUTH is singular.

So, why do you pray and how do you pray?
We all pray because we are constantly thinking of our desires, needs, wants, wishes, dreams, hopes, and so we are constantly hoping, wishing and asking for some change in our lives.
Very few of us are satisfied with what we currently have.
We are constantly praying. We were designed to pray. Prayer is how we all get what we want in life.

The truth is the truth. We all pray.

The problem is that not all prayers are answered the way we want it to be answered and this is because we all pray in different ways. Some of us get everything we ask for while others get nothing they ask for.
Why is this? You may ask.

Most people keep praying for the same thing on a daily basis and after some time they stop praying or asking for what they want because they didn't get what they asked for soon enough. If you want something bad enough you would never stop asking for it.
There are two reasons you never receive what you pray for.
1. You stop wanting it.
2. You keep asking because you lack Faith.

Are you confused? Well, let me explain.
You stop wanting it means that your focus has changed and you no longer really want what you thought you wanted. Since your thoughts have changed, your prayer has been cancelled.
Why do you keep asking? You keep asking because you never TRULY BELIEVE or YOU LACK FAITH that your prayer was heard the first time you asked. Lack of belief and Lack of Faith leaves you BLIND and YOU will never SEE your prayers answered. You should read that again and again until you realise the TRUTH about yourself.

When I pray, I ask once and I already know that I have received what I have asked for. No need to keep asking. If WE truly want something bad enough WE never take our focus off the thing we want.

You will never have your prayers answered if you are disconnected from the source that fulfills your request. We all pray but only some of us receive what we pray for. You must be connected to receive.

Look outside at the grass and trees. The grass and trees grow without any effort. Life is effortless when you are connected to the source. Cut a branch off the tree and eventually the branch that is now disconnected dries up and dies. The connected branches keep receiving and keep growing because they are connected to the source that feeds and nourishes life.

Are you TRULY connected or are you really disconnected?
Do you TRULY have FAITH?
Are your prayers being answered?
If you are reading this I hope that you will be inspired to become TRULY connected to your source.
There is no lack when you get connected.

Don't be blind anymore. Have Faith and SEE!

We were born with EVERYTHING inside us.
Don't look at the stars and into space to see the universe because what you seek is inside of you.
YOU are Everything! There is a Universe inside of you.
If you are TRULY BLESSED you will one day have the wisdom to know the TRUTH.
You need nothing because you have everything.
When you learn to rid yourself of wanting you will understand that your prayer was always answered because the asking and the receiving is built INSIDE of YOU.
We are one with everything.
When You hurt, I hurt. When You feel JOY, I feel JOY. We are connected only with LOVE.
If you do not Love me, you cannot feel what I feel.
Love one another.

I hope that this wisdom adds value to you.
Your value is not based on the size of your bank account as society wants you to believe. Money is not the True measure of your worth.
You are PRICELESS. Know your TRUE worth.
The Truth is singular.
Know who you are and stop listening to what society wishes you to think and believe.

I am that I am. Nothing more needs to be said. Nothing more is needed. I am that I am.

Don't forget to share this with your LOVED ones!

Think and Implement Daily.
Barry Dillah

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