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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Truth about Love

What is Love?
Is Love a Feeling?
Is Love an Attachment?
Is Love a Desire?

Some define love as a strong emotional feeling AND attachment.
However this is not entirely true.

Have you seen a movie about Love?
When was the last time you saw a Romantic Comedy?

Love in our Society is normally connected and associated with Lust, Desire, Attachment, Jealously, Pain, Worry, Need and Sadness, just to name a few other feelings and emotions.

So, here is my TRUTH on Love.
Love is PURE when it is selfless.
Love has no Lust for Lust is a wanting of something while Love has no want.
Love has no attachment for Love is about freedom and letting go.
Love has no Jealously for Jealously is FEAR and Love has no Fear.
Love has no Pain for to Truly Love means to feel no pain.
Love has no Worry for Love is secure.
Love has no Need; to have True Love is to have Everything.
Love has no Sadness for Love is pure Joy.

Love is Pure only when it is not associated with any other feeling that pollutes your LOVE.

Do YOU truly LOVE?
Love is not what most people think it is.
If everyone TRULY LOVED each other there would be no war.
There would be no crime.
There would be no hurt.
There would be no pain.
There would be no Jealously.
There would be no worry.

TRUE LOVE is unconditional.
TRUE LOVE is letting go.
TRUE LOVE is freedom.
TRUE LOVE is not about yourself.

Anything other than PURE LOVE is not LOVE.

When you love someone, Love them.
Love is Timeless.
Love is Forgiving.
Love is Unconditional.
God is Love.

Love is pure only when it is not contaminated with other feelings - Barry Dillah
Think and Implement Daily.
Barry Dillah 

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