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Friday, May 11, 2012

Investing in Yourself - Upgrade Your Thinking Software.

You can only give what you have within you.
You can't squeeze a Lemon and expect to get Apple JUICE.
It is amazing how many people want more but are not willing to invest in becoming more.
Self improvement is not optional when it comes to growing as an individual, family or team.

We must make an effort to read the books.
We must make the effort to attend the seminars.
We must make the effort to ask for advice.

Get excited and make it a habit to learn something new daily.

Learn to invest time in yourself and people will invest in you.
Take a look at your schedule and make sure you set aside time for self improvement.

Decide to add value to yourself daily because your income and lifestyle will be in direct proportion to, and a reflection of, your philosophy regarding self improvement.
Think about how your life will improve if YOU improved.

Your thinking is the software that runs your life.

I suggest you UPGRADE your THINKING software DAILY.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

Keep Thinking.
Barry Dillah

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