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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Make your thoughts a Reality.

Everything in life is created twice, once in your mind, then in reality.
Think about everything you see around you, someone first created it in their mind, put in on paper, sent it into production and here it is, for you to see and use.

Your thoughts becomes things if you hold onto those thoughts long enough for them to become reality.
Think about what you really want.
Write down those thoughts on paper.
Did you notice that YOU just took something that only existed in your mind and now it exists on paper?
You just took a thought and brought it into a reality that everyone else can SEE.
That was easy, right? Yes it was.

I am fascinated by how many people fail to take that simple step.

You will come to realize really soon that it is easier to organize your thoughts when you can SEE it on paper.

Now, you must get a PLAN, to take your thoughts, and put it into production mode.
You must ACT.
Action or putting your PLAN into motion is what CREATES your written thoughts into what you want.

Thinking creates it in your mind.
Action creates it in reality.

Thinking is the mental UNSEEN process.
Action is the physical SEEN process.
Have Faith.Think it. Act on it. Receive it. - Barry Dillah
You must also be prepared to receive what you took action to get.
Sow and Reap. We all know that right?
Well, not everyone understands that process.
When you sow you will reap, but you may not reap right away.
You see, there is a waiting period for everyone to reap what they sow.
Think about it this way, if you planted a seed, you must wait for it to grow before you receive fruit.

I am always confused when people GIVE UP after sowing because they did not instantly receive.
You must wait for your actions to bear fruit.
You must wait to receive.
If you lack Faith in the process you will give up and fail.
Lack of Faith is a DREAM KILLER. - Barry Dillah
So, here is the simple process:

1. Have Faith.
2. Think it. Create the thing you want in your mind and write it down on paper.
3. Act. Make your plan and put it into action. Put your plan into motion.
4. Receive. Be patient and you will be rewarded. You will ALWAYS reap what you sow.

Remember, whatever you THINK you can create.
Think bad thoughts and if acted upon you will create bad fruit or bad results.
YOU will REAP what you SOW, good or bad.

Focus on the positive and let's create a beautiful future.

Think and Implement Daily.
Barry Dillah

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