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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Freedom is a Thinking State of Mind

Are you Free?
The only people that are free are the ones that are mentally capable of being free. - Barry Dillah
You can worry or have Faith, it makes no sense doing both. - Barry Dillah 
Your Thinking can imprison you.
Lots of people are walking around everyday but not free.

Are you free from poverty?
Are you free from fear?
Are you free from medication?
Are you free in your mind or imprisoned by your own thoughts?
You cannot imprison a man who has the power to be free using his thoughts. - Barry Dillah
Are you free?

Are you free to earn as much as you want?
Are you free to work when you want?
Are you free to work as much as you want?
Are you free to do what you love?
Are you free to live the life you want?

Ask yourself this question:
How much FREE TIME do I have?
How much FREEDOM do I really have?

I am fascinated by the people that choose to limit their freedom.
People say and think they are free but their action and choices in life shows that they are really limited in their THINKING.

You were born with the power of choice.
Choose to be free.
Choose to earn more.
Choose to help more.
Choose Faith and not Fear and Worry.

Free your mind of limiting thinking and you will be FREE to do whatever you THINK is possible. - Barry Dillah

Don't let anything or anyone take away your freedom.
We were born to be free.

Think and Implement Daily.
Barry Dillah

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