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Monday, June 11, 2012

Knowledge and Skill

Knowledge without Skill is not a good combination.
Skill without Knowledge is also not a good combination.

You need to have both Knowledge and Skill.

Here is how you get Knowledge:
1. You PAY USING TIME to get knowledge with experience.
2. You PAY USING MONEY to get knowledge now.

Know that you will ALWAYS have to pay for knowledge.
Everyone PAYS, using Time or Money.

Since your TIME is more valuable than money, it makes sense to pay for knowledge using your money instead of using your precious Time. - Barry Dillah

Use your money and attend the Seminar.
Use your money and buy the book.
Use your money and buy the DVD/CD.
Use your money and get the information and knowledge you need now.

Knowledge is not power, APPLIED knowledge is power.

Once you get the information, you must now APPLY that knowledge and PRACTICE what you now know.

Get a coach or mentor that will help you acquire both the knowledge and skill you need.

Practice develops your SKILL.

Knowledge and Skill earns you a fortune!

Work on developing your SKILLS daily.

Get the Knowledge and develop your Skill.

Think and Implement Daily
Barry Dillah

1 comment:

  1. I understand this concept much better after training today. Having one without the other doesn't do much. But applying knowledge AND skill will yeild great results.
